Selmer Saxophones
Index Page

Prototype & Stencils
Modele 22
S/N 750-4450, 1922-1926
Modele 26 Series
Modele 26: 4451 - 9000 (1926 to 1928)
Modele 28: 7500 - 9000 (1927 to 1928)
New Largebore: 9000 - 14000 (1928 to 1931)
Selmer Super Series
"Cigar Cutter": s/n 14000 - 17000 (1931 - 1932)
"Super": s/n 17000 - 18700 (1932 - 1934)
Radio Improved: s/n 18701-24000 (1934 - 1937)
Jimmy Dorsey: s/n 24000 -28000?
(1937 - 1939)
Selmer Adolphe Sax Models
ca. 1928 to ca. 1935
Balanced Action
s/n 20900-33400 (1935 - 1946)
Selmer (USA) Padless
S/N ca. 27000-30000, 1938-1941?
(s/n's may not reflect the Selmer serial number chart)
Super (Balanced) Action
S/N 33401-55200, 1946-1954
Mark VI
S/N 55201-220800, 1954-1974
(alto & tenor)
S/N 55201-365000, 1954-1981 (sop., bari & bass)
S/N 55201-378000, 1954-1985 (sopranino)
Mark VII
S/N 220801-315500, 1974-1981
Super 80 Serie I, II, III
... and special models
S/N 315501- , 1981 and later




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