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There has been a lot of controversy regarding these horns, recently. I've decided to include data from as many sources as possible, but accept and provide information taken directly from correspondance from Boosey and Hawkes for the model breakdowns and dates produced (not s/n data -- Boosey did not have this available). These comments are in RED. What follows are the current RUMORS that seem to have some basis in fact, and some facts to counter the rumors:

- RUMOR: A SOTW poster insists he has a catalog that lists all three models for sale in "the early 80's". This catalog essentially positions the S3 as the super-pro horn, the S1 as a jazzier alternative and the S2 as an intermediate. I'd find it hard to believe that Buffet just happens to have three sets of saxophone tooling around, considering their low saxophone prooduction.

IMHO, he's talking about the S1 Prestige, which I had initially thought was the same as the S3 Prestige -- it's not, but it's obviously easy to confuse.

I have not seen enough S1's to seriously question Boosey's comments on the horn introduction/discontinuation dates, even though there is some discontinuity for the S3 introduction -- and Boosey says the S3 Prestige came out before the "standard" S3.

- FACT: The S1, S2 and S3 were and are AVAILABLE as high pitch, A=442hz, in Europe -- Boosey told me that if there is an "A" after the serial number, the horn is an American model, A=440hz -- and American models were (and are) available by special order only. If there is an "E" or NO LETTER, the horn is a European model, A=442hz.

This "standard" has been disputed to a great extent for lacquer S1's (not S1 Prestige, however). There is a difference in intonation and horn size, albeit a slight one, so it is possible that people who insist they have an A=440hz horn that has an "E" in the serial number -- or no letter at all -- are mistaken.

Furthermore, I have an MP3 file (posting soon!) of a guitar sample of A=440hz vs. A=442hz and you can hear the difference in pitch. It is slight, but noticeable.

If you're 100% sure you're right and Boosey's wrong, get a good quality digital tuner (say, a top-of-the-line Korg) and tune your concert A (i.e. F# on an Eb alto) to be dead on 440hz. If you can play concert B dead-on in tune WITHOUT ADJUSTING and you can play the majority of other notes in tune without adjusting, it's an A=440hz and Boosey's information is incorrect. If you can tune your concert A to 442hz and more notes play in tune, it's an A=442hz horn and Boosey is correct.

Finally, on this subject, Boosey has told me that the neck and "other small things" were modified slightly for the American-market horns. IMHO, they're talking only about bore size and (possibly) the style of resonators and springs. (Oddly, springs appear to be silver plated on some silver horns and gold plated on some copper horns. This was also the case with some SDA horns.)

- RUMOR: There also has been a rumor that Keilwerth has taken over some production of the Buffet horns, and that the Keilwerth-made Buffets are LOWER quality than the French-made ones. I put this question to Boosey and essentially said, "Hey, I'm told that Keilwerth makes some of the S3's. Can you tell me the serial number range for these?" I got no response.


S1 Models
(1973 to 1988)

In any event, the S1 is a much improved version of the Super Dynaction -- as far as keywork goes -- and is, according to many, the best model ever produced by Buffet.

Around s/n 26xxx (1977), Buffet introduced their "150th Anniversary" horns (I'd assume this is the 150th anniversary of the Buffet company, not of the Buffet saxophone :). I can't really tell any significant difference in these and the non-anniversary horns. It's possible that the only change was that Buffet produced all of the horns for this year in silver plate.

According to Boosey, S1's were available in lacquer, standard and in silver plate as a custom-ordered option.


Techie Notes:
- Standard high F# key. Somewhat unusual layout that seems to have an extra LH keyrod.
- Sculpted low Eb/C keys that pivot slightly (see below)
- Wrap-around bell-to-body "resonator" brace (similar to the "Series VIII" horns).
- Extrodinary intonation.
- "Cutout" in the neck to improve intonation.
- Swiveling thumbrest
- Articulated low Bb key (you can play B or Bb with the low Bb key -- see below)
- Key layout is more "Selmer-like"
- It's possible there are no S1 baritones or they were only available as "custom order".

The low Eb/C keys, low Bb key and LH pinky cluster are all patented. Thanks to Steve Goodson for letting me use his pics!

Bb Sopranos
Eb Altos
Bb Tenors
s/n 285xx
Thanks to vintagesax.com
Picture Directory: Lacquer
Picture Directory: Silver
s/n 2646x
From eBay.com
Picture Directory: Lacquer
Picture Directory: Silver
s/n Unknown
From eBay.com
Picture Directory: Lacquer




S1 Prestige Models
(1981 - 1988)

The Prestige is a horn that is designed ostensibly for orchestral use (it's nice that Buffet finally acknowledges their strength). The upthrust is that these horns are copper because copper warms up and produces a sweeter tone than brass -- at least, that's the theory :)

- The Prestige horns were considered the "super pro" line by Boosey.

- This horn is essentially an S1 with a copper body. There are no other changes, according to Boosey.

Bb Sopranos
Eb Altos
s/n Unknown
From eBay.com
s/n 36xxx
From eBay.com

Finally, there's a nice photoessay on the manufacture of these horns at Steve Goodson's 'site. Have fun!




S2 Models
(1983 to 1986)

These horns are essentially a combination of the S1 and SuperDynaction designs. It's a interesting concept.

In 1981, Boosey & Hawkes bought Buffet. I believe this line of saxophones was introduced as a cost-saving measure.

Notes from Boosey: [As far as we can determine, the] S2 model was not sold in America [and is therefore pitched in A=442hz]. [The] S2 was available in lacquer, standard. It was possible to get them with keys and body in silver plate, on special request.

The S2 was developed from the professional model S1, however it has always been considered an intermediate model.


Techie Notes (changes from the S1):
- Pitch is A=442hz, a high-pitch horn.
- Roller keys for the low C/Eb reappear.

Eb Altos
Bb Tenors
s/n Unknown
From eBay.com
Picture Directory: Lacquer
s/n 36xxx
From eBay.com
Picture Directory: Lacquer




S3 and S3 Prestige Models
S3 Prestige: 1989 to present
S3: 1995 to present (except for 2000)

The Prestige is a horn that is designed ostensibly for orchestral use (it's nice that Buffet finally acknowledges their strength, but it's a little late). There's a lot more on Buffet's website, but the upthrust is that these horns are copper because copper warms up and produces a sweeter tone than brass -- at least, that's the theory :)

- The Prestige horns were considered the "super pro" line by Boosey.

- The S3 Prestige is essentially an S3 with a copper body, whereas the standard S3 is silver-plated. There are no other changes between the two models.

There's a nice photoessay on the manufacture of these horns at Steve Goodson's 'site. I do not currently have pictures of the S3 -- and Boosey has removed all pictures from their Buffet pages on their website. I do hear it has a body tube closer to that of the S1, but has roller keys on the C and Eb, like the S2.

I have requested a catalog and I'll let you know! (Got the catalog. It doesn't include any Buffet saxophones :(


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