Super Balanced Action
S/N 35801-55200, 1948-1953


The SBA horns play like a scaled down Mark VI with a little worse intonation. The keys were "weighted" a little more over the Balanced model and there were a couple other design modifications and additions, the most major being the introduction of the low A baritone.

The engraving on the horns is generally less elaborate than the Balanced horns. The middle of the bell, where on the Balanced horns is generally a portrait, is nothing at all. Some of the later horns have engraving identical to the Mark VI.

They sound about 95% as good as a Mark VI.



Bb Sopranos
Dated 1950
From Dr. Rick

Silver Plate
Silver Sopranos Picture Directory


Eb Altos


Bb Tenors
s/n 5460x



Eb Baritones (Low A)


Bb Bass



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