The Vintage Saxophone Gallery -

Presented by USA Horn

The Dolnet Stencils

Jean Cartier

(Bel Air Stencils)

These are one of the few stencils I've ever seen that actually have MORE features than the horn they were stencilled from.

There are at least two models of these horns: "The Royal Jazz Model", which sometimes has additional keywork (altissimo D# trill, G# trill, etc.), rolled tone holes and a microtuner neck, a la Conn and one sometimes labeled "Artist Model" that generally doesn't have all the additional stuff, but is striking, nonetheless.

As mentioned in the introduction, these models sometimes have been done in Sparkle Lacquer, like some Buffet Superdynactions. I've now seen two of these models, so I doubt that these horns were relacquers.

Eb Altos

s/n 77039


Thanks to Junkdude

Bb Tenors

s/n 78621c


From eBay

Eb Baritones (Low A)

s/n 6260x


From eBay

Jules Revan

("Imperial" Stencil)

Eb Altos

s/n 41509


From JunkDude

La Chambre Stencil

(Bel Air Stencil)

Bb Tenors

s/n 77771c

Gold Plate

From eBay

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