The Selmer Padless (Selmer USA)

Contemporary with the Balanced Action horns were the Buescher-made Selmer Padless models: horns that featured "o-rings" instead of pads. A revolutionary design that didn't come off very well, but has been revised and implemeted in new designs from codera and a couple other companies.
I've received an e-mail recently from a person in the UK that has a Selmer (Paris) Padless horn. She said she'll send pics when she eventually invests in a digital camera.
I'd say this is probably Selmer's second rarest model (during six months and a couple thousand horns, I've seen only a dozen or so), next to the Jimmy Dorsey models. There are quite probably no soprano or baritone models of this horn.
Special thanks to Laura Burdick of Reading, Pennsylvania in the USA for the high quality pics of the 29xxx tenor in the below directories.