(1918 to 1933; s/n 1 thru 2xxx)

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s/n 127x
Silver Bb Soprano
From eBay.com
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In 1918, accoding to the Boosey website, Buffet started selling horns under their own name in the US. These MAY be those horns.

Techie notes:
- Pearl keys are introduced
- Horns have a unique serial number chart, starting at s/n 1 or 100.
- Horns otherwise appear identical to other post 1895 Evette & Schaeffer horns.

I believe these horns were produced until about 1933. Around this time, Buffet started marketing the Evette as a primarily student-model line.

In any event, around 1933 the Buffet-Powell horns were introduced and they seem to follow the original Evette & Schaeffer serial number charts.

s/n 22xxx
Silver Eb Alto
From eBay.com



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