(1910 to 1930; s/n 195xx thru 30xxx)
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s/n 22279
Brass Eb Alto
From eBay.com
(keywork somewhat modified)

This is the first model name that I have been able to verify, and its manufacture lasts for a VERY long time. These may also be the last professional model horns carrying the Evette-Schaeffer name. Most of the E&S horns after this model are intermediate quality.

This model had additional keywork to make playing a bit easier. This design borrows from the Holton "Rudy Wiedoeft" models and is expanded upon in the Leblanc horns.

The original ad, below, has a description of what each of the alternate keys was for and how to use them. It's also interesting to look at the prices for these horns.

Original ad from a Musical Instruments Catalog (1912)
Thanks to www.saxgourmet.com

s/n 22xxx
Silver Eb Alto
From eBay.com
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